1. Which of the following characteristics of the Arctic rabbit is specifically an adaptation to living in the tundra?

A. small size
B. keen eyesight
C. strong legs
D. white fur***

2. According to the continental drift theory, which of the following land regions should show the greatest similarities in fossil types?

A. east coast of South America and west coast of Africa***
B. eat coast of Africa and west coast of South America
C. northern coast of South America and southern coast of Eurasia
D. northern coast of Africa and southern coast of South America

3. Which set of words below could be used to describe the dispersal of seeds to a new region?

A. wings, legs, migration
B. invasive, exotic, continental drift
C. biogeography, adaptation, survival
D. wind, water, animal feces***

4. Which of the following describes an example of a potentially invasive species?

A. Fruit covered with fruit fly eggs is trucked from Mexico to Canada.***
B. Racehorses are shipped by boat from New York to London.
C. Coffee beans in burlap bags are flown from Africa to the U.S.
D. Tropical fish captured in an Indonesian river are packed on ice and shipped to a Seattle restaurant.

5. What is the major difference between ectotherms and endotherms?

A. whether or not the animal builds nests on land
B. whether or not the animal has been found on several continents
C. whether or not the animal maintains a constant body temperature***
D. whether or not the animal is classified as a vertebrate

6. Which of the following organisms needs salt in its environment to survive?

A. a squirrel
B. a shark***
C. a frog
D. a cactus

7. Which land biome has the greatest diversity of plant species, and which has the least?

A. grassland: most; tundra: least
B. rain forest: most; taiga: least
C. rain forest: most; tundra: least***
D. temperate forest: most; taiga: least

8. Which abiotic factor is essential to all aquatic ecosystems except ocean hydrothermal vents, and why?

A. phytoplankton, because it provides a source of food
B. salt, because it provides a source of minerals
C. deep water, because it provides the necessary environment for organisms to move about
D. sunlight, because it provides a source of energy***

9. Water availability and temperature distinguish land biomes as _________ distinguishes aquatic biomes.

A. carbon dioxide concentration
B. salt concentration
C. oxygen level***
D. phytoplankton abundance

10. A plant native to a desert in the Southwest U.S. is transplanted to the tundra region. The plant dies a few weeks after being moved. Which of the following factors in its new location could have been critical to its inability to survive the move?

A. temperature***
B. amount of shade
C. water availability
D. carbon dioxide availability

This is all right except for question 9, here to clarify


Help me is right ong

1. Correct.

2. I don't know.
3. Yes.
4. I think so.
5. Not sure

6. I think so.

7. I agree
8. ?
9. ?
10. I agree.

Sure! Here are the answers to the questions along with explanations:

1. D. white fur - White fur is specifically an adaptation to living in the tundra because it helps the Arctic rabbit blend in with its snowy environment, providing camouflage from predators.

2. A. east coast of South America and west coast of Africa - According to the continental drift theory, South America and Africa were once part of the same supercontinent called Pangaea. As they separated and moved apart, the fossil types in these regions should show the greatest similarities.

3. D. wind, water, animal feces - The dispersal of seeds to a new region can happen through various means. Seeds that are dispersed by wind, water, or animal feces have a higher chance of reaching and establishing themselves in a new region.

4. A. Fruit covered with fruit fly eggs is trucked from Mexico to Canada - Potentially invasive species are those that can negatively impact the native ecosystem by outcompeting or harming native species. In this example, fruit covered with fruit fly eggs can introduce the fly and its offspring, which may harm local fruit populations in Canada.

5. C. whether or not the animal maintains a constant body temperature - The major difference between ectotherms and endotherms is their ability to regulate their internal body temperature. Ectotherms rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature, while endotherms can generate and maintain their own body heat.

6. B. a shark - Sharks are known as osmoregulators, meaning they need salt in their environment to survive. They have special adaptations to maintain a balance of salt in their bodies, allowing them to live in saltwater environments.

7. C. rain forest: most; tundra: least - Rain forests have the greatest diversity of plant species due to the combination of high temperatures, abundant rainfall, and complex ecosystems. On the other hand, the tundra biome has less plant diversity due to its extreme cold temperatures and limited growing season.

8. D. sunlight, because it provides a source of energy - Sunlight is essential to all aquatic ecosystems except ocean hydrothermal vents because it provides the energy needed for photosynthesis by aquatic plants and algae. This energy forms the basis of the food chain in aquatic ecosystems.

9. C. oxygen level - Water availability and temperature distinguish land biomes, while oxygen level distinguishes aquatic biomes. Oxygen is crucial for aquatic organisms since they rely on dissolved oxygen in the water for respiration.

10. A. temperature - Plants have specific temperature requirements for survival, and desert plants are adapted to hot and arid conditions. The tundra is a cold environment, so the sudden change in temperature could have been critical to the plant's inability to survive the move.