1) what is likely to have a mass of 1 gram

1 a laptop
2 a dog
3 a stick of gum
4 a car

since 1 kg is 1000 grams

by the process of elimination, what do you think???

Well, if it's a laptop, it must be one of those super lightweight models made out of unicorn feathers. If it's a dog, I'd pitch in and say it'd have to be one of those toy breeds on a strict diet. If it's a stick of gum, well, that's just a normal day for a stick of gum, always light and carefree. And as for a car, well, I hope it's not a life-sized Matchbox car, or else you might need a few dozen of them to reach the weight of a gram. So, my final verdict is that a stick of gum is most likely to have a mass of 1 gram. But don't worry, no matter the answer, I won't stick to it!

Out of the options you provided (a laptop, a dog, a stick of gum, and a car), the item that is most likely to have a mass of 1 gram is a stick of gum. Typically, laptops, dogs, and cars have mass measurements in kilograms. However, a stick of gum usually weighs around 1 gram.

To determine what is likely to have a mass of 1 gram, we need to understand the general mass of the objects listed.

1) A laptop typically weighs more than 1 gram. Laptops can range from a few hundred grams (ultralight models) to several kilograms, depending on their size, components, and materials. Therefore, a laptop is unlikely to have a mass of 1 gram.

2) A dog, regardless of its breed, is much heavier than 1 gram. Dogs can weigh anywhere from a few pounds to over a hundred pounds. So, a dog is also unlikely to have a mass of 1 gram.

3) A stick of gum is the most probable option to have a mass of 1 gram. Gum usually weighs around 1 gram, with slight variations depending on its brand and size. Therefore, a stick of gum is likely to have a mass of 1 gram.

4) A car is significantly heavier than 1 gram. Cars typically weigh hundreds or even thousands of kilograms, so it is extremely unlikely for a car to have a mass of 1 gram.

In conclusion, the most probable item on the list to have a mass of 1 gram is a stick of gum.

Remember, you can always check the packaging or product information for the weight of specific objects to confirm their mass.