US constitution and Georgia constitution

State one specific difference between these two constitutions give one example that one has and the other does not. Add a brief explanation as to how this demonstrates the concept of federalism.

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One specific difference between the US Constitution and the Georgia Constitution is the presence of a "Preamble." The US Constitution includes a preamble which begins with the famous phrase "We the People of the United States..." On the other hand, the Georgia Constitution does not have a preamble.

This difference demonstrates the concept of federalism as it highlights the division of powers between the federal government and the state government. The US Constitution, being the supreme law of the entire country, represents the federal government and establishes the framework within which the states operate. The inclusion of a preamble in the US Constitution emphasizes the collective authority and goals of the entire nation.

On the other hand, state constitutions like the Georgia Constitution only apply to the specific state. They are created by the people of that state to govern their own local affairs, powers, and rights, without needing to express collective goals for the entire nation. Thus, the absence of a preamble in the Georgia Constitution reflects the focus on state-level matters and the recognition of the state's separate legal and administrative identity within the federal system.