Could anyone please give me some useful web site to learn and practise my french on? I have trouble with the tense, forming sentences,pronunciation etc.(I get confused over these stuff a lot.)and I am a beginner.

Or if anyone have any advise on learning french,other than pratise and practise,(that's what I am doing now.somepeople ask me to put french songs in my mp3 but i just can't catch the lyrics/words of the song no matter how many times i listen to them.)could you please post?


Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Bonjour, Pauline! By telling us specificially what you would like to review, we can help you best. In addition to some web sites you might like to visit, let me begin with "How to learn" that I usually share with my beginning students. When it comes to songs, it is very difficult to catch the words so I'll provide you with the lyrics as well. Do you have any specific songs in mind?

This response is just to let you know that I will be gathering some things for you this morning!


Help me please

I can't under stand half the words my french teacher says!!



I understand that learning a new language can be challenging, especially if you're having trouble understanding your teacher. Here are a few tips to improve your comprehension:

1. Active Listening: When your teacher speaks, make a conscious effort to focus and actively listen. Take note of their pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm. Try to identify familiar words or phrases and use context clues to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.

2. Ask for Clarification: Don't hesitate to ask your teacher for clarification if you don't understand something. They are there to help you, and asking for additional explanation can go a long way in improving your understanding.

3. Supplement with Visuals: Visual aids such as pictures, diagrams, or gestures can enhance your comprehension. Ask your teacher to use visual aids or create your own flashcards to connect words with their meanings.

4. Practice Pronunciation: Pronunciation plays a crucial role in understanding spoken French. Practice pronouncing words and phrases, and try mimicking the way your teacher speaks. You may find it helpful to record yourself speaking and compare it to a native French speaker.

5. Seek Additional Resources: Supplement your classroom learning with additional resources like websites, podcasts, or videos that focus on improving listening comprehension. These resources often provide a variety of accents and speaking styles to help you build your listening skills.

Remember, improving comprehension takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and keep practicing regularly.