I am doing an english essay. Do I add reference/citation on an abstract?

ok thanks

Definitely, yes.

APA or MLA guidelines?

And how I love the Chicago Style manual.


This URL is for APA, but look down and you'll find links to other — whichever one you need. Follow directions.

i'm doing IEEE referance

See IEEE in the list on the left in that website I linked above. All your directions will be there.

When writing an abstract for an English essay, typically, you do not need to provide references or citations. The purpose of an abstract is to provide a concise summary of your essay's main points and findings, usually in around 150-250 words. It is not meant to provide detailed references or evidence for the claims made in the essay.

However, it is important to keep in mind that citation requirements can vary depending on the guidelines provided by your institution, professor, or specific style guide. It is always a good idea to consult these guidelines to ensure you are following the correct formatting and citation practices for your essay.

If you are uncertain or if your guidelines specifically require references in the abstract, you can consider including very brief citations within parentheses after making a statement related to a source. For example, you could write: "(Smith, 2020)" to indicate that the information came from Smith's work published in 2020. However, in most cases, it is sufficient to focus on providing a clear and concise summary of your essay's main points in the abstract.