To study the effectiveness of a certain adult reading program, researchers will select a random sample of adults who are eligible for the program. The selected adults will be given a pretest before beginning the program and a posttest after completing the program. The difference in the number of correct answers on the pretest and the number of correct answers on the posttest will be recorded for each adult in the sample.

Which of the following is the most appropriate inference procedure for the researchers to use to analyze the results?

A one-sample z
-interval for a population proportion

A one-sample t
-interval for a sample mean difference

A matched-pairs t
-interval for a population mean difference

A matched-pairs t
-interval for a sample mean difference

A two-sample t
-interval for a difference between means

Is the correct answer D?

its matched pairs b/c there is a pretest and post test

Yes, the correct answer is D. A matched-pairs t-interval for a sample mean difference is the most appropriate inference procedure for the researchers to use to analyze the results. In this study, the researchers are comparing the difference in the number of correct answers on the pretest and posttest for each adult in the sample. The matched-pairs t-interval is used when the same subjects are measured before and after an intervention, which is the case in this scenario.

Yes, the correct answer is D. A matched-pairs t-interval for a sample mean difference is the most appropriate inference procedure for the researchers to use to analyze the results of this study.


In this study, the researchers are selecting a random sample of adults who are eligible for the reading program. Each participant in the sample will be given a pretest before beginning the program and a posttest after completing the program. The difference in the number of correct answers on the pretest and the posttest will be recorded for each adult.

Since the researchers are measuring the difference between the pretest and posttest scores for each individual, it suggests a paired or dependent design. In a paired design, the same individuals are measured at different time points or under different conditions.

To analyze this data, a matched-pairs t-interval for a sample mean difference is appropriate. This inference procedure is used when dealing with dependent samples and allows the researchers to estimate the mean difference between the pretest and posttest scores in the population.

Therefore, the correct answer is D - A matched-pairs t-interval for a sample mean difference.

No its E