How do you find the distance between two points that have the same y-coordinate and lie in the same quadrant?

If you connect two points that have the same y-coordinate, the line will be a horizontal line. Just as you do with number lines, you count the spaces between the numbers to find the distance.

I got my answer wright thanks to @todoroki-sama

Method 1) Plot it and count the distance

2) Use the distance formula with your two points : )

it really helped "Todoroki-sama"



yes thank you

To find the distance between two points that have the same y-coordinate and lie in the same quadrant, you can use the formula for the distance between two points in a Cartesian coordinate system. Assuming the two points have the coordinates (x1, y) and (x2, y), where y is the common y-coordinate, you can calculate the distance between them using the formula:

Distance = |x2 - x1|

Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to find the distance:

1. Identify the x-coordinates of both points: x1 and x2.
2. Subtract the smaller x-coordinate from the larger one. If x2 is greater than x1, you will have (x2 - x1). If x1 is greater than x2, you will have (x1 - x2).
3. Take the absolute value of the difference obtained in step 2. This ensures that the result is positive, regardless of which x-coordinate was smaller.
4. The resulting value is the distance between the two points.

Remember, in order to apply this approach, the points must have the same y-coordinate and lie in the same quadrant.