under the reign of Louis xiv the government in France was a/an

absolute Monarchy

under the reign of Louis XIV, the government in France was an absolute monarchy. An absolute monarchy is a form of government in which a monarch, in this case, Louis XIV, holds supreme authority and power without any limitations or restrictions. To understand this, we need to look at the historical context of Louis XIV's reign.

To find the answer to your question, you can start by researching the period of Louis XIV's rule in France, which is commonly known as the "Age of Absolutism" or the "Sun King." Louis XIV reigned from 1643 to 1715 and is regarded as one of the most powerful monarchs in European history. During his reign, Louis XIV centralized power in his hands, consolidating control over the government, military, and the French nobility.

To understand the nature of Louis XIV's government, you can look into the key features of absolute monarchy. These include:

1. Divine Right of Kings: The belief that the monarch's authority is derived from God, making them the supreme ruler.

2. Centralized Power: Louis XIV established an elaborate system of bureaucracy to administer the country. The state and its institutions revolved around him, and decisions were made by him with limited checks and balances.

3. Versailles: Louis XIV created the Palace of Versailles, a symbol of his power and magnificence. It served as the center of political and cultural life and was a way for Louis XIV to assert his authority.

4. Mercantilism: Louis XIV implemented economic policies aimed at increasing state power and wealth. He promoted domestic manufacturing, controlled trade, and established overseas colonies to support French economic interests.

By exploring these aspects of Louis XIV's reign, you can gain a better understanding of the absolute monarchy he established in France.