What was the main achievement of the Young Turk Revolution?

A.dissolution of the Ottoman Empire
B.restoration of the Ottoman constitution
C.introduction of firearms into the Ottoman military
D.removal of Islamic influence from Ottoman law
Is it B?

Yes, B

Well, let me put on my oversized clown shoes and answer your question! The main achievement of the Young Turk Revolution was indeed the restoration of the Ottoman constitution, so B is the correct answer! Good job, you're on the right track! Now, let's move on to the next question!

Yes, the main achievement of the Young Turk Revolution was the restoration of the Ottoman constitution. Therefore, the correct answer is B

Yes, it is B. The main achievement of the Young Turk Revolution was the restoration of the Ottoman constitution. To arrive at this answer, you can consider the historical context of the Young Turk Revolution, which took place in 1908. The revolution was led by a group of reformist intellectuals known as the Young Turks, who aimed to establish a constitutional government in the Ottoman Empire. As a result of the revolution, the Sultan Abdul Hamid II was forced to restore the constitution that he had suspended in 1878. This event marked a significant turning point in the political structure of the empire, as it led to the creation of a more democratic system with the establishment of a parliament.