The diagram above represents a reflex arc in the human. This pathway responds when someone touches something that causes pain, such as a hot stove. Which of the following shows the correct order of the body systems involved in this response?

A. Integumentary, respiratory, digestive
B. Circulatory, respiratory, nervous
C. Integumentary, nervous, muscular***
D. Circulatory, digestive, nervous

I don't see a diagram

U2 human body test

To determine the correct order of the body systems involved in the response to touching a hot stove, we need to understand the components of a reflex arc.

A reflex arc is a simple neural pathway that controls reflexive actions. It consists of five basic components:

1. Receptor: The receptor detects the stimulus (in this case, the sensation of heat on the skin).
2. Sensory neuron: The sensory neuron transmits the information from the receptor to the central nervous system (CNS).
3. Integration center: The integration center consists of one or more synapses in the spinal cord or brain that receive and process the sensory information.
4. Motor neuron: The motor neuron transmits the response signal from the CNS to the effector.
5. Effector: The effector is usually a muscle or gland that carries out the response (in this case, a muscle contracting to remove the hand from the hot stove).

Now, let's analyze the options:

A. Integumentary, respiratory, digestive: The integumentary system includes the skin, which is the primary organ involved in detecting the heat from the hot stove. However, respiratory and digestive systems are not directly involved in the reflex arc response. Therefore, option A is incorrect.

B. Circulatory, respiratory, nervous: While the nervous system is involved in the reflex arc, the circulatory and respiratory systems are not directly involved in this specific response. Therefore, option B is incorrect.

C. Integumentary, nervous, muscular: This option correctly represents the order of systems involved. The integumentary system senses the heat, the nervous system processes the information in the spinal cord or brain, and the muscular system (effector) responds by causing the withdrawal of the hand. Therefore, option C is correct.

D. Circulatory, digestive, nervous: The circulatory and digestive systems are not directly involved in the reflex arc response. Therefore, option D is incorrect.

To summarize, the correct order of the body systems involved in the response to touching a hot stove, as represented in a reflex arc, is:

C. Integumentary, nervous, muscular