Describe major innovations, advancements, achievements, or cultural practices of this civilization in EARLY Korea ( before they divided) and in early japan!!!!! pls help

Did you try a google search?

thanks this helps alotttt

i cant my mother has google blocked and she is at work

You will have to wait until your Mom gets home so you can do a google search. I know everyone is struggling trying to learn from home. Your Mom may need let you have access to google. How about Yahoo? Did she turn that one off too? <~~This is a really good search website to use in place of Google. Your mom should have no objections to this.

Use it!

☹ ty @Writeacher ☺

Certainly! Let's start with Early Korea and then move on to Early Japan.

Early Korea:
1. Advancements in Agriculture: Early Korean civilization made significant advancements in agriculture. They developed methods for rice cultivation, such as irrigation systems and paddy fields, which greatly improved food production and led to a more settled lifestyle.

2. Goguryeo Dynasty: The Goguryeo dynasty was one of the three kingdoms in Early Korea (37 BC – 668 AD). It expanded its territory, establishing a centralized state with advanced administration, military, and diplomacy. The kingdom also developed a distinctive culture, including unique art, music, and language.

3. Silla and Unified Silla Dynasty: Another influential kingdom in Early Korea was the Silla kingdom (57 BC – 935 AD). It became prosperous through trade with neighboring countries like China and Japan, leading to an exchange of cultural practices and technological advancements. With the defeat of the other two kingdoms, Silla eventually formed the Unified Silla Dynasty, which saw the unification of the Korean Peninsula.

Early Japan:
1. Yayoi Culture: The Yayoi period (300 BC – 300 AD) in Japan marked a significant shift in culture and society. It was during this time that rice cultivation was introduced, transforming the Japanese lifestyle and leading to the development of permanent settlements and social hierarchies.

2. Yamato Dynasty: The Yamato dynasty, believed to have started around the 3rd century AD, is considered the earliest ruling dynasty in Japan. It played a vital role in adopting and adapting elements of Chinese culture, such as governance, writing systems, and Buddhism.

3. Shintoism: Shintoism, a traditional Japanese religion that emphasizes the worship of nature and ancestral spirits, developed during these early years. It influenced various aspects of Japanese culture, including art, festivals, rituals, and architecture, like the iconic Shinto shrines.

To gather more information about these topics, I suggest referring to historical texts, academic articles, or reputable websites that specialize in Korean and Japanese history, such as academic journals or museums. Additionally, consulting books written by historians or seeking expert opinions will provide a more comprehensive understanding of these civilizations.