Kirk and Montego took a mowing job 500 ft long and 400 ft wide. Each will mow half so each has to mow 100,000 area. Now I need to write a quadratic equation that could be used to find the width X that kirk should mow. Can't figure out

since area = width * length,

x = 1/2 (200,000 / 500)

Poorly worded question, where does the x come in?

The way I have seen this question before is as follows:

Kirk and Montego took a mowing job 500 ft long and 400 ft wide. Each will mow half so each has to mow 100,000 area, with Kirk moving a strip x ft wide, leaving Montego to mow the rectangle left over in the centre. Now I need to write a quadratic equation that could be used to find the width X that kirk should mow.

The field left for Montego will be (500-2x) by (400-2x) which should have an area of 100,000 ft^2
so that 2x<400, -----> x < 200
(500-2x)(400-2x) = 100000
200,000 - 1800x + 4x^2 = 100,000
x^2 - 450x + 25000 = 0

you will get two answers, one will be outside our restriction

To write a quadratic equation that could be used to find the width X that Kirk should mow, we need to set up the equation based on the given information.

First, let's define the width Kirk should mow as X.

Since Kirk and Montego each have to mow half of the area, the total area to be mowed is 100,000 square feet. The total area of the rectangle is the product of its length and width, which is 500 ft x 400 ft = 200,000 square feet.

Since Kirk mows a rectangular area, the area he mows can be calculated as X multiplied by 500 feet. This gives us the expression: X * 500.

The area that Montego mows is the difference between the total area and Kirk's area. So Montego's area can be calculated as 200,000 - (X * 500).

Now, we can set up the quadratic equation using the given information:

Kirk's area + Montego's area = Total area
X * 500 + (200,000 - X * 500) = 100,000

Simplifying the equation:

500X + 200,000 - 500X = 100,000
200,000 = 100,000

The equation simplifies to 200,000 = 100,000, which is not true.

It seems there is an error in the given information or in the calculations. Please recheck the problem to make sure all the values and calculations are accurate.