How to revised this sentence using concert words?

" We have learns that young men are best for this week."

We have learned that..

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Who are "we"?

Exactly who are "young men"?

Do you mean "this work" instead of "this week"? If so, exactly what type of work are you referring to — exactly?

To revise the sentence using concise words, you can use the following: "We discovered that youth is ideal for this week."

Here's how you can go about doing it yourself:
1. Identify the main idea of the original sentence. In this case, it is that young men are best for this week.
2. Determine the most important information to convey in a more concise manner.
3. Replace unnecessary words and phrases with shorter alternatives while maintaining the same meaning.
4. Adjust the sentence structure if necessary.

In the revised sentence, "learns" is replaced with "discovered" to convey the same meaning more succinctly. "Young men" is substituted with "youth," which is a more concise term that includes both genders.