Compare the GDP of Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa? Suggest two reasons for the differences between the GDP of the countries

WOOOOOOWWWW this teacher sucks she REALLLLLYYYY helped stupid she doesn't even know the answer herself shes probably some 47-year-old woman sitting in her mom's basement

To compare the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa, you would first need to obtain the GDP data for each country. Here's how you can find this information and then proceed with comparing the GDP:

1. Researching GDP Data:
a. Open a web browser and go to a reliable source such as the World Bank website (
b. Search for the GDP data for Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa.
c. Select the desired time period for comparison (e.g., the latest available data) and extract the relevant GDP figures for each country.

2. Comparing GDP:
a. Once you have the GDP figures, compare the numerical values.
b. Consider the following factors to explain the differences between the GDP of the countries:

i. Economic Structure: Assess the specific industries and sectors that contribute to each country's GDP. For example, South Africa has a diverse economy, with contributions from mining, manufacturing, finance, and tourism, while Nigeria's economy is heavily dependent on oil exports, and Kenya's economy is more focused on agriculture, services, and technology.

ii. Population: Consider the population size of each country. Larger population sizes can lead to increased GDP due to a larger labor force and market potential. For instance, Nigeria has the largest population, which may positively affect its GDP when compared to Kenya and South Africa.

It's important to note that this is a general approach, and there could be other specific factors at play that contribute to the differences in GDP between Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa.

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