I'm really struggling with my Spanish, can someone help me?

#23.) Complete each of the following sentences using the appropriate indirect object pronoun.
a.) Yo ____ es un regalo a mis padres.
b.) A nosotros, ____ gusta estudiar espanol.
c.) Mis padres ____ compraron una falda bonita para mi hermana.
d.) A mi, _____ encanta visitar Costa Rica.

#24.) Conjugate the verbs in the following sentences using the present perfect tense to say what these people have done.
a.) Ellos ___ ___ (practicar) el espanol.
b.) Nosotros ___ ___ (vivir) en muchos lugares.

#25 Wrute two sentences in Spanish (using the present perfect tense) to say what you have done today. [ I have taken a shower, eaten breakfast, done chores, and have been doing school.]

Please help, i really need it!!

See your other post — study the link for indirect objects.

Of course, I can help you with your Spanish! Let's go through each question step by step.

#23.) Complete each of the following sentences using the appropriate indirect object pronoun:

a.) Yo [le] es un regalo a mis padres.
To determine the appropriate indirect object pronoun, we need to identify the recipient of the gift, which is "mis padres" (my parents). In Spanish, the indirect object pronoun for "mis padres" is "les." Therefore, the correct sentence would be: "Yo les es un regalo a mis padres."

b.) A nosotros [nos] gusta estudiar español.
In this sentence, the subject is "nosotros" (we) and the verb is "gusta" (like). To express that "we like" in Spanish, we use the indirect object pronoun "nos." Consequently, the correct sentence is: "A nosotros nos gusta estudiar español."

c.) Mis padres [me] compraron una falda bonita para mi hermana.
In this sentence, we need to find the indirect object pronoun that represents "my sister." The correct pronoun is "me" which corresponds to "mi hermana." The sentence should be: "Mis padres me compraron una falda bonita para mi hermana."

d.) A mí [me] encanta visitar Costa Rica.
The subject of the sentence is "a mí" (to me) and the verb is "encanta" (love). The correct indirect object pronoun is "me." Thus, the sentence should be: "A mí me encanta visitar Costa Rica."

#24.) Conjugate the verbs in the following sentences using the present perfect tense to say what these people have done:

a.) Ellos han practicado (practicar) el español.
To form the present perfect tense, we use the auxiliary verb "haber" (to have) conjugated in present tense, followed by the past participle of the main verb, which in this case is "practicado." Thus, the correct sentence is: "Ellos han practicado el español."

b.) Nosotros hemos vivido (vivir) en muchos lugares.
In this sentence, "hemos" is the conjugated form of "haber" and "vivido" is the past participle of the verb "vivir." Hence, the correct sentence is: "Nosotros hemos vivido en muchos lugares."

#25.) Write two sentences in Spanish (using the present perfect tense) to say what you have done today. [I have taken a shower, eaten breakfast, done chores, and have been doing school.]

Here are two possible sentences in Spanish using the present perfect tense for what you have done today:

1. Yo he tomado una ducha, desayunado, hecho tareas y estado estudiando.
2. He realizado una ducha, comido el desayuno, hecho las tareas del hogar y estado haciendo la escuela.

Remember to adjust the verbs and other parts of the sentences based on your gender and preference.

I hope this helps! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.