Can you please help me with this question? Which word is the most

appropriate to use in the blank?

Normal growth is dependent upon the
quantity and quality of proteins eaten.
The quality of protein--whether it is
complete or incomplete --is dependent
upon its content of _______ amino acids.

A. nonessential
B. essential
C. organic
D. inorganic

Would the most appropriate word to use
in the blank be "nonessential?"

Thank you for your help!!

The essential amino acids is what makes a quality protein. Make certain you know what essential means in the context of amino acids.
Lysine has been a problem for vegetarians in poor countries (eating corn, beans, cereals) for decades.

So the most appropriate word to use in the blank would be "essential?"

are u there?

Yes, I'm here! I apologize for the delay. You are correct, the most appropriate word to use in the blank would be "essential." Essential amino acids are those that cannot be synthesized by the body and therefore need to be obtained through diet. These amino acids are necessary for proper growth and development, which is why the quality of protein depends on their content. Nonessential amino acids, on the other hand, can be synthesized by the body and do not need to be obtained through diet.