1. Jana knew she would not be able to pass her calculus class. As a result, she did not even bother to study for exams. As expected, Jana failed the class. This is an example of

a. A self-fulfilling prophecy ****?
b. self- monitoring
c. intrapersonal dilemma
d. walking the walk

2. Poor self-concept can lead to
a. low self-esteem ****?
b. high self-esteem
c. internal messages
d. external messages

3. Self-assessment helps people do all of the following except
a. understand how we communicate
b. monitor the way we communicate
c. spend less time communicating ****?
d. improve our communication

4. Positive intrapersonal communication can lead to
a. faulty interpretations
b. negative interpersonal communication
c. enhanced social comparisons
d. higher self-esteem ****?

5. Self-concept can be defined as
a. the act of revealing your personal self
b. how someone thinks about or perceives himself or herself ****?
c. the type of person you wish you could be
d. how valuable you think you are

6. Joel feels inadequate when he realizes he can't whistle as loud as the other children in class. Which factor is currently influencing Joel's self-concept?
a. others' images
b. cultural norms and expectations
c. social comparisons
d. his self- evaluations and interpretations ****?

7. Gwen really wants to write her career report on welding engineering but chooses what she believes is the more suitable topic of nursing. Gwen's self-concept is being influenced by
a. others' images
b. cultural norms and expectations ****?
c. social comparisons
d. her self-evaluations and interpretations

8. Terrence is interviewing for an internship, and his goal is to present himself as an intelligent, confident student. When he catches himself nervously fidgeting, he quickly stops and sits up tall in his chair in order to display more confidence. This is an example of
a. A self-fulfilling prophecy
b. self-monitoring ****?
c. intrapersonal dilemma
d. walking the walk

9. Tommy is about to give a speech but is feeling a little nervous. Before going on stage, he reminds himself that he is well prepared and has always been commended on his speaking ability. Therefore, he has nothing to be nervous about. Tommy's actions are an example of
a. personal counseling
b. psychic counseling
c. intrapersonal communication ****?
d. interpersonal communication

10. Based on what we know about the shaping of self-concept, people whose loved ones praise their abilities probably have
a. more financial difficulies
b. a tendency to be spoiled
c. less academic success
d. higher self-esteem ****?

Don’t listen to Craig!!!!

The one who published the questions has all of the correct answers besides 8: Joel feels inadequate when he realizes......
the answer to 8 is “social comparisons”

Josh is right just took the tested.

Sometimes the teacher change the answers around so be careful everyone.

1. The correct answer is a. A self-fulfilling prophecy. Jana's belief that she would fail her calculus class influenced her behavior of not studying, which in turn resulted in her failure.

2. The correct answer is a. low self-esteem. Poor self-concept, which refers to how someone thinks about or perceives themselves, can lead to low self-esteem.

3. The correct answer is c. spend less time communicating. Self-assessment helps people understand and monitor their communication, but it does not necessarily lead to spending less time communicating. It is more about improving the quality of communication.

4. The correct answer is d. higher self-esteem. Positive intrapersonal communication, which is communication with oneself, often leads to higher self-esteem.

5. The correct answer is b. how someone thinks about or perceives himself or herself. Self-concept involves one's thoughts and perceptions about oneself, including beliefs, values, and self-evaluations.

6. The correct answer is d. his self-evaluations and interpretations. Joel's feeling of inadequacy regarding his whistling ability is a result of his own self-evaluations and interpretations.

7. The correct answer is b. cultural norms and expectations. Gwen's decision to choose a more suitable topic of nursing instead of welding engineering is influenced by cultural norms and expectations.

8. The correct answer is b. self-monitoring. Terrence's awareness of his nervous fidgeting and his deliberate adjustment to display more confidence indicate self-monitoring.

9. The correct answer is c. intrapersonal communication. Tommy's actions of reminding himself about his preparedness and speaking ability before going on stage exemplify communication within oneself.

10. The correct answer is d. higher self-esteem. People whose loved ones praise their abilities tend to develop higher self-esteem, not necessarily experience more financial difficulties, be spoiled, or have less academic success.

I agree with all your answers.

1. a

2. a
3. c
4. d
5. b
6. d
7. d
8. c
9. c
10. b

Just took quiz these are 100%