Translate this phrase into an algebraic expression.

63 decreased by twice Vidya's savings
Use the variable v to represent Vidya's savings.

To translate the phrase "63 decreased by twice Vidya's savings" into an algebraic expression using the variable v to represent Vidya's savings, we start by expressing the savings as 2v (twice Vidya's savings is equal to 2 times her savings). Then, we subtract 2v from 63 to represent the decrease:

63 - 2v

To translate the given phrase into an algebraic expression, we first need to identify the relevant mathematical operations.

The phrase "63 decreased by" suggests subtraction, and "twice Vidya's savings" indicates multiplication by 2. Additionally, we are asked to represent Vidya's savings using the variable v.

Let's break down the steps to create the algebraic expression:

1. Start with Vidya's savings: v
2. Multiply Vidya's savings by 2: 2v
3. Subtract the result from 63: 63 - 2v

Thus, the algebraic expression for the given phrase is 63 - 2v.


twice Vidya's savings ... 2c

so, what's next?