Why is it important to consider multiplicity when determining the roots of a polynomial equation?

because every root counts.

let's look at an example,

x^3 - 3x + 2 = 0

this is a cubic, so it must have 3 roots, either real or complex
Because of the nice +2 at the end, let's try some values
(but only factors of 2)
let f(x) = x^3 - 3x + 2
f(1) = 1 - 3 + 2 = 0, surprise surprise, or was it luck? (of course I planned this)

then x-1 must be a factor and of course x = 1 is a root

by either long division or synthetic division you should be able to verify that
x^3 - 3x + 2 = 0
(x-1)(x^2 + x - 2) = 0
this factors further
(x-1)(x+2)(x-1) = 0
so x = 1, -2, 1

notice that x = 1 shows up twice, so that is considered a multiplicity of 2

When you a multiplicity of roots of an even number, the corresponding graph will touch the x-axis for that value of x

or y = (x+2)^3 (x-1)
will have roots of -2,-2,-2,1
with a multiplicity of 3 , roots are -2 and 1

It is important to consider multiplicity when determining the roots of a polynomial equation because the concept of multiplicity provides additional information about the behavior and shape of the graph of the polynomial function. In algebra, multiplicity refers to the number of times a particular root occurs in the equation.

When solving a polynomial equation, the roots represent the values of the independent variable (usually denoted as x) for which the equation is equal to zero. The multiplicity of a root specifies how many times that particular value appears as a solution of the equation.

Here's why considering multiplicity is important:

1. Graphical interpretation: Multiplicity affects the way the graph of the polynomial function intersects the x-axis. The multiplicity determines whether the graph touches the x-axis or crosses it at a specific point. For instance, a root with an odd multiplicity will cause the graph to cross the x-axis, whereas an even multiplicity will make the graph just touch the x-axis and bounce off.

2. Behavior near the root: The multiplicity also determines the behavior of the function around the root. For example, if a root has an odd multiplicity, the function approaches negative infinity on one side and positive infinity on the other side of the root. Conversely, if the root has an even multiplicity, the function approaches negative infinity on both sides or positive infinity on both sides.

3. Algebraic manipulation: The multiplicity impacts the factorization of the polynomial equation. Each root with a multiplicity greater than one contributes a factor of the form (x - r)^n, where r is the root and n is the multiplicity. This factorization allows us to find the complete equation of the polynomial by multiplying all the factors together.

To determine the multiplicity of a root, you can follow these steps:

1. Solve the polynomial equation to find its roots.
2. Examine the equation or the graph to identify repeated roots.
3. Count how many times each root appears.
4. The number of times a root appears is its multiplicity.

By considering the multiplicity of the roots, we can gain a deeper understanding of the polynomial equation and its behavior, which is crucial in various mathematical and scientific applications.