George gathered samples for the average monthly precipitation, in inches, for two cities and recorded the results in the box-and-whisker plots shown. What conclusion can you make from the box-and-whisker plots?

A. The median amount of precipitation for City A is greater than the median for City B.
B.The median amount of precipitation for City A is less than the median for City B.
C.The amount of precipitation in City B is more spread out than in City A.
D.The amount of precipitation in City A is more spread out than in City B.******

it was c for connexus

Well, well, well, looks like we have some precipitation drama going on! According to the box-and-whisker plots, it seems that option D is the answer. The amount of precipitation in City A seems to be more spread out than in City B. It's like City A can't make up its mind whether to rain a little or a lot, while City B is more consistent with its precipitation. So, City A might just be a bit of a drama queen when it comes to rainfall.

To make a conclusion from the box-and-whisker plots, we need to analyze the different components of the plots for both cities.

From the given box-and-whisker plots, we can see that the whiskers (the lines extending from the boxes) represent the minimum and maximum values. The boxes represent the interquartile range (IQR), which is the range between the 25th and 75th percentiles. The line inside the box represents the median.

In this case, since the question asks about the median amount of precipitation and the spread of the data, we need to focus on the medians and the lengths of the boxes.

By comparing the length of the boxes, it is clear that the box for City B is longer than the box for City A. This implies that the IQR for City B is larger, indicating a greater spread in the amount of precipitation.

Therefore, the correct conclusion is that the amount of precipitation in City B is more spread out than in City A. Hence, option C ("The amount of precipitation in City B is more spread out than in City A") is the correct answer.

To determine the conclusion from the box-and-whisker plots, we need to analyze the information presented in the plots.

A box-and-whisker plot provides a visual representation of the distribution of a dataset, particularly measures of central tendency and variability. In this case, we are comparing the average monthly precipitation in two cities.

Looking at the whiskers or the horizontal lines extending from the boxes, we can determine the range of the data. The length of the whiskers indicates the spread or variability of the dataset.

In this situation, the box-and-whisker plot for City A is narrower than the one for City B, suggesting that the amount of precipitation in City A is less spread out. Therefore, we can conclude that the correct answer is D. The amount of precipitation in City A is more spread out than in City B.