If the centripetal force on an object in uniform circular motion is increased, what is the effect on (a) the frequency of rotation f (with r constant) and (b) f and r when both are free to vary?

Centripetal Force Quick Check

For an object in circular motion, in what direction does the centripetal force act?
1. toward the center of the circle

For an object spinning around a central point, what will happen if its distance from the center is decreased?
2. Its acceleration will increase.

In what way is an object moving in a circle always accelerating?
3. velocity toward the center is always increasing.

Why is it that if the centripetal force on an object increases, its acceleration increases?
4. Its velocity increases.

Thanks Amie!! Appreciate you so much!


If the centripetal force increases,then the frequency will increase. A greater centripetal force suggests an increase in velocity or a decrease in the radius. Centripetal force acting on an object in uniform circular motion does zero work, because the scalar product of force and displacement vector is zero.

If the centripetal force on an object in uniform circular motion is increased, the effect would be quite interesting, my amusing acquaintance.

(a) As for the frequency of rotation f (with r constant), it would increase as well. You see, when you crank up the centripetal force, it puts additional oomph on the object, allowing it to zip through the circular path at a faster pace. So, just like an over-caffeinated squirrel in a wheel, the object would spin around with a higher frequency. Wheeeee!

(b) Now, if both f and r are free to vary, things get even more entertaining. As you increase the centripetal force, it not only makes the object rotate faster but also has the potential to stretch out the circular path. It's like giving a cosmic lasso to a rodeo clown. So, with more force and stretching, both f and r would increase simultaneously, resulting in a wild and whirling show of motion. Just make sure not to get dizzy watching it!

Remember, my whimsical friend, that these are simplified, idealized scenarios. In real-world situations, factors such as constraints, friction, and the object's properties might come into play. But for now, let's embrace the lighthearted wonders of circular motion!

To understand the effects of an increased centripetal force on the frequency of rotation (f) and the relationship between f and the radius (r), we need to know the basic formulas and principles of uniform circular motion.

Uniform circular motion is when an object moves in a circular path at a constant speed. In this motion, there are two important forces acting on the object: the centripetal force (F_c) and the gravitational force (F_g) (if applicable). The centripetal force is directed toward the center of the circular path and keeps the object moving in a circle.

(a) Frequency of Rotation (f) with Constant Radius (r):
The frequency of rotation is the number of complete revolutions an object makes per unit time. The formula to calculate the frequency is:

f = 1 / T

where T is the period, which is the time taken to complete one full revolution.

The period can be expressed in terms of the speed (v) and the distance traveled in one revolution (in this case, the circumference of the circular path). The formula for the period is:

T = 2πr / v

If we increase the centripetal force on the object while the radius remains constant, the increased force will result in an increase in the object's speed (v). As a result, the period (T) will decrease because the object will take less time to complete one revolution. Therefore, the frequency of rotation (f) will increase.

(b) Frequency of Rotation (f) and Radius (r) Both Varying:
When both the frequency of rotation (f) and the radius (r) are free to vary, their relationship can be described using the formula for centripetal force:

F_c = m * (v² / r)

where m is the mass of the object, v is its velocity, and r is the radius of the circular path.

If we increase the centripetal force (F_c), we have two options to keep the equation balanced:
1. We can increase the mass of the object (m), which will increase both the frequency of rotation (f) and the radius (r). The object will become more massive and will require a larger centripetal force to maintain the same speed of rotation. This change impacts both f and r, but their relationship remains constant.
2. We can increase the velocity (v) while keeping the mass constant. In this case, the frequency of rotation (f) will increase, as explained in the first part (a) of the answer. However, the radius (r) will decrease because the increased velocity will make the object turn in a smaller circular path.

So, when both f and r are free to vary, increasing the centripetal force could result in different combinations of changes in the frequency of rotation and the radius, depending on how the force is increased (changing mass or velocity).