The majority of nations in the Middle East are Muslim. In spite of this fact, conflict still develops between Muslim nations over religious issues. Describe what causes these types of conflicts.

Please help >~<

Use Google to search for "shia vs sunni" — then read and read and read until you understand it.

Girl shut up and pass the answer.

anddddddddd she never came back

i- that doesnt make full since to me, but thank you

Alright, Ima google it, read some stuff, and then I will come up with an answer for all of you guys to use :))

Be right back

lol yup XD

She still never came ☠️💀

The conflicts between Muslim nations in the Middle East are complex and multifaceted, with various political, economic, social, and historical factors at play. While religion is often cited as a cause or contributing factor, it is important to understand that religious issues alone do not fully explain the conflicts in the region. However, religious differences can exacerbate existing tensions and be used as a rallying point for various actors involved.

To understand the causes of conflicts between Muslim nations over religious issues, here are some key factors to consider:

1. Sectarian Differences: The Muslim world consists of multiple sects, the largest being Sunni and Shia. Historical tensions between these sects, as well as disagreements over theological and political matters, have contributed to conflicts in the region. For example, the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s had both religious and geopolitical dimensions, with Iraq's Sunni-led government under Saddam Hussein opposing Iran's Shia-led government.

2. Political Power Struggles: Conflicts in the Middle East often stem from struggles for political power and influence, with religion sometimes used as a tool to mobilize support or delegitimize opponents. Rivalry between nations and governments for control over resources, territory, and regional influence can lead to conflicts framed along religious lines.

3. Geopolitical Interests: The Middle East is a strategically important region due to its oil reserves, trade routes, and its proximity to major world powers. External actors often have vested interests in the region and may fuel or exploit religious differences to advance their geopolitical goals, exacerbating tensions between Muslim nations.

4. Nationalism: Nationalist movements can clash with religious identities, resulting in conflicts within and between Muslim nations. The formation of nation-states following the decolonization era and the redrawing of borders has caused ethnic, tribal, and religious tensions, which are not exclusive to the Middle East but can be heightened due to the region's diverse religious landscape.

5. Economic Factors: Socioeconomic disparities, unequal distribution of resources, and lack of economic opportunities can contribute to social unrest and political instability. These factors can intersect with religious identities, as marginalized groups may find solace or a sense of belonging in religious or sectarian affiliations, leading to conflicts with those in power.

6. Historical Legacy: The Middle East has a long and complex history that includes colonial rule, foreign interventions, and struggles for independence. These historical factors have shaped regional dynamics and geopolitical rivalries, which can contribute to religious conflicts or be used as a pretext for such conflicts.

While this explanation provides an overview of the factors contributing to conflicts between Muslim nations over religious issues, it is important to note that each conflict is unique and may involve a combination of several factors. Detailed analysis of specific cases can provide a more nuanced understanding of the causes and dynamics at play.

During the reformation (look that term up), "Protestants" had very serious conflicts. In France, there were bloody killing rampages between Baptists and Presbyterians over doctrine (predestination, baptism, salvation by works). Both considered the other hell bound.

It is the same now in the Muslim area: they do not agree on what spiritual and holy mean. And for some, that is a fighting issue.