For a Macbeth essay "How is bravery presented in Macbeth"

I have wrote 1 paragraph: Shakespeare presents Macbeth as a brave and courageous character by allowing the Sergeant to heap praise upon him before he is even introduced to the audience. The first lines uttered about Macbeth are: “For brave Macbeth—well he deserves that name—Disdaining fortune, with his brandished steel, Which smoked with bloody execution, Like valor’s minion carved out his passage, Till he faced the slave; Which ne'er shook hands, nor bade farewell to him, Till he unseamed him from the nave to th' chops And fixed his head upon our battlements.”. The sergeant ‘s description of him as brave in one of the first lines will show just how he is considered by the sergeant. The immediacy of his bravery is made clear in the later lines of the quote as he “carved out his passage” to the enemy rebel. This would be incredibly dangerous but his bravery is shown to be unrestricted by anything. So the audience knows that Macbeth is presented as a brave character.

I am stumped as this is the only way bravery is presented. He is not presented as brave at all later on

Any help?

I never read this play! However, you can find good help and explanations by means of and


It seems like you've started off your essay well by analyzing the initial presentation of Macbeth as a brave character through the description given by the Sergeant. However, you mentioned feeling stumped as there might not be additional instances where Macbeth is presented as brave later on in the play. No worries, I can help you find more examples to support your argument.

To further explore how bravery is presented in Macbeth, you can consider the following points:

1. Duncan’s admiration: In Act 1, Scene 2, King Duncan praises Macbeth's bravery and honors him by naming him the Thane of Cawdor and the Thane of Glamis. This indicates that Macbeth has already earned a reputation for being a courageous warrior even before the events of the play.

2. Macbeth's initial hesitation: Although Macbeth is initially portrayed as brave, you can also explore the theme of inner conflict and how it affects his bravery throughout the play. In Act 1, Scene 7, Macbeth debates whether he should follow through with the murder of King Duncan. This moment shows his struggle between his ambition and his conscience, highlighting the complexity of his character and the doubts that arise within him.

3. Macbeth's actions as the play progresses: While Macbeth's actions become increasingly ruthless and morally questionable as the play unfolds, you can argue that his willingness to take risks and engage in daring acts can still be seen as a form of bravery. For example, Macbeth's decision to kill Banquo and attempt to erase any potential threats to his new position as king can be analyzed as acts of bravery driven by his desire to maintain power.

4. Lady Macbeth's influence: Consider exploring how Lady Macbeth's influential role affects Macbeth's bravery. She manipulates and challenges his courage, pushing him to commit acts he might not have otherwise done. Analyze the impact of their relationship, particularly their exchanges in Act 1, Scene 7 and Act 3, Scene 2, to further illustrate the exploration of bravery within Macbeth.

Remember to always support your arguments with evidence from the text, like direct quotes or paraphrases, and make sure to analyze the significance of each example in relation to the theme of bravery in Macbeth. Good luck with your essay!