I need some help with analogies

Maple: ____ ::  Fir : evergreen
Poet:________  :: musician: concert
Ultrasonic: sound :: _______: lights
joints: inflamed :: _______: atrophy
control: order :: anarchy: ________
movie: _____ :: sculpture : vending


1. hardwood?

2. poem recital or something like that.
3. spectrum maybe?
4. organs/body tissue.
5. disorder.
6. I have no clue, sorry...

I am not super sure these are right, but you asked for help, and you sounded pretty desperate so I might as well try.

To complete the given analogies, you need to identify the relationship between the first pair of words and find a similar relationship in the second pair. Here are the missing words in the analogies:

Maple: ____ :: Fir : evergreen
In this analogy, the relationship between maple and fir is that they are both types of trees. The missing word should also be a type of tree that has the same relationship with the word "evergreen". The answer is "oak" because oak is another type of tree that is also evergreen.

Poet:________ :: musician: concert
In this analogy, the relationship between poet and musician is that both are creative individuals who perform. The missing word should be another creative individual who has a similar relationship with the word "concert". The answer is "author" because an author, like a musician, creates works (books) which are then presented at events (book signings or literary readings) equivalent to a musician's concert.

Ultrasonic: sound :: _______: lights
In this analogy, the relationship between ultrasonic and sound is that ultrasonic is a type of sound. The missing word should be a type of light that has a similar relationship with the word "lights". The answer is "infrared" because infrared is a type of light that is not visible to the human eye but has similar characteristics to the word "lights".

joints: inflamed :: _______: atrophy
In this analogy, the relationship between joints and inflamed is that inflamed is a condition often associated with joints. The missing word should be another condition that is commonly associated with the term "atrophy". The answer is "muscles" because atrophy is a condition that often affects muscles, causing them to waste away.

control: order :: anarchy: ________
In this analogy, the relationship between control and order is that control is necessary to maintain order. The missing word should be another term that describes the absence of control or order. The answer is "chaos" because chaos refers to a state of disorder and lack of control.

movie: _____ :: sculpture : vending
In this analogy, the relationship between movie and sculpture is that a movie is a form of art, just like a sculpture. The missing word should be another type of art that can be associated with the word "vending". The answer is "painting" because paintings are often displayed and sold through vending machines in certain art exhibitions or venues.

So, the completed analogies are:

Maple: oak :: Fir : evergreen
Poet: author :: musician: concert
Ultrasonic: sound :: infrared: lights
joints: inflamed :: muscles: atrophy
control: order :: anarchy: chaos
movie: painting :: sculpture: vending