I bought a new Keurig coffee pot for $130.00, which include 6% sales tax. What was the original price of the Keurig?

Lyria is correct because:

6% = .06
.06 × 130 = 7.8
130 - 7.8 = 122.2


To find the original price of the Keurig coffee pot, we need to subtract the sales tax from the total price. First, let's convert the sales tax percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100: 6% ÷ 100 = 0.06.

Now, we need to subtract the sales tax from the total price: $130.00 - ($130.00 x 0.06). Let's calculate that.

$130.00 x 0.06 = $<<130*0.06=7.80>>7.80

$130.00 - $7.80 = $<<130-7.80=122.20>>122.20.

Therefore, the original price of the Keurig coffee pot was $122.20.