as a transcendentalist poet how does Whitman encompass Emerson's idea of the transparent eyeball?

I have no idea what to write about. I need a thesis. It talks about nature but it's confusing.

Read carefully:

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I'm still confused about how I can make a thesis out of this. Here's mine: With the topic of nature and transparency Whitman encompass Emerson idea of the "transparent-eyeball by describing nature with imagery. It's just a one page essay but idk how to do it. Please help

Rephrasing —

Whitman encompasses Emerson idea of the "transparent-eyeball" by describing nature with imagery." (Omitting the first part which is redundant; correcting the verb and the closing quotation marks)

Outline of the paragraphs:
1. Intro with thesis at end
2. Explain Emerson's transparent-eyeball idea
3. Name and explain one of Whitman's poems that reflects/includes Emerson's idea
4. Name and explain another of Whitman's poems that reflects/includes Emerson's idea
5. Conclusion

… and if that's too long, omit #4.

To understand how Walt Whitman encompasses Ralph Waldo Emerson's idea of the transparent eyeball as a transcendentalist poet, let's break it down step by step:

First, it's important to understand the concept of the transparent eyeball itself. In Emerson's essay "Nature," he describes the transparent eyeball as a symbol of becoming one with nature. It represents a state of awareness where the observer feels completely immersed in the beauty and interconnectedness of the natural world, losing their sense of individuality.

Now, let's relate this idea to Whitman's poetry. Whitman, often considered one of the foremost American transcendentalist poets, shares Emerson's deep reverence for nature. Whitman's work, particularly in his collection "Leaves of Grass," explores themes of connection, individuality, and the spiritual significance of nature.

To develop your thesis, consider the following points:
1. Whitman's poetic imagery and language: Whitman uses vivid imagery and captivating language to depict the natural world, creating a sensory experience for his readers. This approach aligns with the idea of the transparent eyeball, as he invites readers to lose themselves in the beauty and unity of the natural environment.

2. Whitman's celebration of individuality: While Emerson's transparent eyeball suggests merging with nature and losing one's sense of individuality, Whitman's poetry often celebrates individual experience and perspective. Through his embrace of diverse voices and depiction of the unique experiences of different individuals, Whitman acknowledges and values the contributions that each person brings to the interconnected web of existence.

3. Whitman's embodiment of transcendental ideals: Transcendentalism emphasizes a divine or spiritual presence in nature and the potential for individual transcendence through personal experience and self-reflection. Whitman's poetry reflects these ideas by exploring the deep spiritual and transformative power of nature, encouraging readers to find meaning and transcendence within themselves and the natural world.

In your thesis, you could consider how Whitman's poetic techniques, celebration of individuality, and embodiment of transcendental ideals align with and encompass Emerson's concept of the transparent eyeball.