In a map drawn to scale 1:40000000 if the distance between two cities in 11cm find the actual distance

1:40000000 = 11:40000000*11

1 : 40000000

1 cm : 40000000 cm
11 cm = 11(40000000) cm
= 11(400000) m
= 11(400) km
= 4400 km , ahhh, behold the beauty of the metric system

To find the actual distance between the two cities, you need to use the information provided: the scale and the distance on the map.

The scale 1:40000000 means that 1 unit on the map represents 40000000 units in real life.

In this case, the distance between the two cities on the map is 11 cm.

To find the actual distance, you can set up the following proportion:

(Map distance) / (Actual distance) = (Map scale) / (Actual scale)

Plugging in the given values, we get:

11 cm / (Actual distance) = 1 / 40000000

To solve for the actual distance, we need to cross multiply and then divide:

11 cm * 40000000 = 1 * (Actual distance)

440000000 cm = (Actual distance)

Therefore, the actual distance between the two cities is 440000000 cm.