Why is the development of farming considered a revolution of human history?

Farming made it possible for people to travel greater distances because grain doesn't spoil as quickly as meat does.

Farming allowed humans to grow taller because a plant-based diet is healthier than a meat-based diet.

Farming allowed humans to make tools out of better materials like stone and metal rather than out of bone.

Farming gave humans a reliable source of food, and people domesticated plants and animals to better fit their needs.

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The correct answer is D. Farming gave humans a reliable source of food, and people domesticated plants and animals to better fit their needs.

The development of farming is considered a revolution of human history because it brought about significant changes in human society, culture, and technology. Before farming, humans relied on hunting and gathering for their food, which required constant movement in search of resources. However, with the domestication of plants and animals, humans were able to settle in one place and cultivate crops for a stable food supply.

By growing their own food, humans no longer had to rely solely on the unpredictability of the natural environment. They were able to produce surplus food, which led to the growth of permanent settlements and the establishment of complex societies. This shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities marked a crucial turning point in human history.

Furthermore, the domestication of plants and animals allowed humans to selectively breed and manipulate their characteristics, leading to the development of more productive crops and livestock. This led to increased efficiency in agriculture and the ability to produce more food with less effort. With a reliable source of food, humans could focus on other pursuits, such as the development of technology, arts, and sciences.

In conclusion, the development of farming revolutionized human history by providing a stable food source, enabling the growth of settled communities, and driving advancements in technology and civilization.

Someone gave you the answer D. Do you agree or not? Be sure to think about why that answer may or may not be correct. You need to know WHY in addition to WHAT!