Which of the following lines in the poem is a sample of personification?

Shining with all his might
The Billows smooth and bright
And this was odd because it was
After the day was done

hint: "his" is a personal adjective

so what is it like

To determine which line in the poem is an example of personification, it's important to know what personification is. Personification is a figure of speech in which human qualities or attributes are given to non-human entities or objects.

In the given options, the line that is an example of personification is "The Billows smooth and bright." This line is personifying the billows by attributing the human qualities of being smooth and bright to them. In reality, billows do not possess these qualities since they are waves or swells in the water. The use of personification helps to bring the billows to life and create a more vivid and engaging description.

To arrive at this answer, you need to analyze each line and look for any instances where non-human entities are given human characteristics. In this case, the other lines do not fit this criteria, making "The Billows smooth and bright" the correct choice for personification in the poem.

I don't know which poem you're referring to, but there's only one line in there in which a thing is being referred to as if it were a person.


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