The United States became a society of consumers in the late nineteenth century. What was the key factor that made that possible ?

I have to write a response for this, but i'm confused. It uses proper grammar and punctuation.

People become consumers when they have money in their pockets or items of value to trade. What was happening in the US in the late 19th century that put extra money and/or goods in many people's possession?

Also, think about why D is the correct answer for your later question:

To write a response explaining the key factor that made the United States a society of consumers in the late nineteenth century, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the question: Break down the question to grasp its main components. Identify the time period (late nineteenth century) and the concept of the United States becoming a "society of consumers."

2. Research the historical context: To provide an informed response, it's essential to have knowledge about the late nineteenth century in the United States. Look for information about the economic, social, and cultural developments during that time.

3. Identify potential factors: Based on your research, brainstorm potential factors that could have contributed to the U.S. becoming a society of consumers. Some ideas to consider include increased industrialization, advancements in technology, growing wealth and income, advertising and marketing strategies, the rise of department stores, and changes in societal values and aspirations.

4. Analyze the factors: Evaluate each potential factor and determine which one was the key factor that made the United States a society of consumers. Look for evidence, trends, and prominence of a particular factor that sets it apart from the others.

5. Construct your response: Begin writing your response using proper grammar and punctuation. Make sure it is clear, concise, and focused. Use evidence and examples to support your claim about the key factor.

Example response:
"The key factor that made the United States a society of consumers in the late nineteenth century was the rapid industrialization and technological advancements during this time. The country experienced a significant shift from an agrarian society to an industrial one, leading to the mass production of goods and the expansion of manufacturing industries. This rapid industrialization resulted in increased productivity, easier access to goods, and reduced production costs, making consumer goods more affordable and widely available. Additionally, advancements in transportation, such as the railroad system, allowed goods to be transported more efficiently across the country. Furthermore, advertising and marketing strategies emerged, enticing consumers with new products and creating a desire to own and consume. The rise of department stores also played a pivotal role in promoting consumerism by offering a wide range of products under one roof. Overall, it was the combined effect of industrialization, technological advancements, transportation improvements, and marketing strategies that made the United States a society of consumers in the late nineteenth century."