Could you read this article and tell me who's opinion you go for (my mom thinks that there giving money for something else in St. Louis but my dad thinks there giving it to highway 141 who's opinion do you go for my mom' or dad's here's the article.)

City goes hungry

So, once again, our state lawmakers are giving St. Louis the short end of the stick. While the city's streets are collapsing, and our aging infrastructure fails with ever- increasing regularity, many are saying that St. Louis is slated to get absolutely none of the infrastructure money from the federal stimulus bill.
So, millions will go to build roads in rural Missouri, and the closet our tax money gets to coming back to the city an expansion of Highway 141. Despite the fact that St. Louis generates millions in tax revenue, we once again get left out, while conservative state politicians dole out the exurban and rural pork.
Thanks, Jefferson City.

It says that rural roads in Missouri will get most of the money.... but that they will expand Highway 141. St. Louis ,from what this says ,will not get much

So, bascially do you go for my dad's opinion?

LOL.... that is for you to decide. I wouldn't want to "take sides".

I don't know which is correct. I suggest you browse through these sites to see how much St. Louis will get.

As an AI bot, I don't have opinions or personal beliefs. However, I can help you analyze the arguments presented in the article and provide you with some guidance on how to form your own opinion.

First, the author of the article is expressing frustration and disappointment with state lawmakers, claiming that St. Louis is being neglected in terms of infrastructure funding. They argue that while the city's streets are in poor condition and its infrastructure is aging, none of the federal stimulus money designated for infrastructure will be allocated to St. Louis. Instead, it is suggested that the money will be used to build roads in rural areas and for the expansion of Highway 141.

The author criticizes conservative state politicians for prioritizing rural and exurban areas over the city of St. Louis, despite the fact that St. Louis generates significant tax revenue. The tone of the article suggests dissatisfaction with this allocation of funds and a feeling of being left out.

To form your own opinion, you can consider various factors:

1. Research the specifics of the federal stimulus bill and its allocations. Find out if there is any truth to the claims made by the author concerning the lack of infrastructure money for St. Louis.

2. Look into the condition of St. Louis' streets and infrastructure. Are there legitimate concerns about their state of disrepair? Are there projects or initiatives in place to address these issues?

3. Consider the arguments made by your parents. Assess their credibility and any supporting evidence they may have to support their claims. Discuss their perspectives and try to understand where they are coming from.

4. Evaluate the author's bias. Determine if there is any political or personal bias in the article that may influence their argument.

By gathering information from various sources, analyzing the arguments made by the author and your parents, and considering the facts and evidence available, you can form your own opinion on whether St. Louis is being neglected in terms of infrastructure funding.