1. The following question asks about one or more selections from your Literature textbook. You

may use your textbook to answer this question.
From the following list, choose two poems for this constructed response: ‟Concrete Cat,”
‟Haiku,” and ‟Limerick.”
In the poems you read in Collection 3, the poets chose different forms to express their thoughts
and feelings about the subject. Imagine that their poetic forms changed. How would each poem
be different if its form were exchanged with another form? Write a paragraph discussing how
each poem would be different with a new form. Support your ideas with text evidence from the
Select the link to access your preferred version of the online textbook.

Please re-read what you posted and understand why ONLY YOU can answer this.

Once you get YOUR THOUGHTS written up, post them if you'd like someone here to critique your thinking and writing.

They CAN'T give you the answer as you have to come up with it yourself. They want *YOUR* thoughts, not anyone else's

To answer this question, you will need to refer to your Literature textbook. If you have access to an online version of the textbook, you can click on the provided link to access it. Once you have your textbook open, locate the poems "Concrete Cat," "Haiku," and "Limerick" from Collection 3. Read and analyze each poem to understand their structure and form.

To discuss how each poem would be different with a new form, you will need to consider the characteristics and unique features of each form. For example, a "Concrete Cat" is a poem with a visual structure that represents an object, so if its form were exchanged with a "Haiku," which is traditionally a three-line poem with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5, the new form of the "Concrete Cat" might lose its visual representation and focus more on the structure of a haiku, adhering to the 5-7-5 syllable pattern.

Similarly, you would need to analyze the new form's impact on the "Haiku" and the "Limerick," considering how the change in structure would affect the message and tone of the poem. It is important to support your ideas with text evidence from the poem, referring to specific lines or stanzas that demonstrate how the form contributes to the overall meaning.

Can you please help me writeteacher. I don't understand. Can you give me the answer so I can understand please?