Peer pressure destroys character.yes.

Uh... yes...? What are the other options?

That's... not what peer pressure is?? Peer pressure is when your peers pressure you into doing or acting in a certain way. It can be good and bad. For example, if your peers are pressuring you to do better in school, that is a good thing. It can also be bad if, for example, your peers pressure you to try drugs.

I read this that Asante needs to write an essay. Jaxx has given some good ideas and examples.

However, if Asante is expecting someone to write the whole assignment for him/her, there'll be lots of disappointment. =(

Peer pressure refers to the influence that peers, or individuals in the same social group, can have on the behavior, attitudes, and decisions of others. It is often seen as negative because it can lead individuals to engage in harmful, risky, or unethical behaviors that they may not have chosen otherwise.

Yes, peer pressure can potentially destroy one's character. Let me explain how.

1. Conforming to negative behaviors: Peer pressure can lead individuals to conform to behaviors that go against their values or principles. They may engage in activities such as drug or alcohol abuse, bullying, skipping school, or engaging in criminal behavior, simply to fit in or gain acceptance from their peers. These actions can gradually erode their character and compromise their personal integrity.

2. Diminishing individuality: Peer pressure can cause individuals to lose their sense of individuality and adopt the beliefs, opinions, and interests of their peers. This can prevent them from developing their own values, interests, and personal goals. When people conform to group norms without critically thinking or evaluating their choices, it can hinder their growth and prevent them from building a strong and authentic character.

3. Lowering self-esteem: Constant pressure to conform to certain standards or to meet the expectations of others can negatively impact an individual's self-esteem. When people feel the need to continuously seek approval from their peers, it can undermine their self-worth and lead to a lack of self-confidence and a diminished sense of identity. This can further hinder the development of a strong character.

To avoid the negative effects of peer pressure and maintain a strong character, it is important to:

1. Build self-confidence: Developing a strong sense of self-esteem and self-worth can make it easier to resist negative peer influence. Building confidence can be achieved through setting and achieving personal goals, nurturing positive relationships, and embracing one's individuality.

2. Choose friends wisely: Surrounding oneself with positive, supportive, and like-minded individuals can help resist negative peer pressure. Choosing friends who share similar values and interests can make it easier to stay true to oneself and avoid compromising one's character.

3. Practice assertiveness: Developing assertiveness skills can help individuals express their own opinions, assert their boundaries, and say no when facing pressure to engage in harmful activities. Learning to stand up for oneself can immensely help in avoiding negative peer influence.

4. Seek support: Having a supportive network of friends, family, or mentors can provide guidance and encouragement when facing peer pressure. These individuals can offer insights, suggestions, and advice on maintaining strong character and making positive choices.

By being aware of the potential negative effects of peer pressure and taking proactive steps to build resilience and assertiveness, individuals can protect their character and maintain personal integrity even in the face of external influences.

Peer pressure destroys character because if you have a friend who is not a good you end up getting bad manners