a night Watchman must check a certain stores are every 45 minutes if he first checks the area as he begins a 9-hour of Duty how many times will he have checked this storage area

9h * 60min./h = 540 min.

540min/45min =

still 13

To determine the number of times the night watchman will have checked the storage area during his 9-hour shift, we'll first convert the duration from hours to minutes. Then, we'll divide the total number of minutes in the shift by 45 (minutes per check) to get the number of checks.

1. Convert 9 hours to minutes: 9 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 540 minutes.

2. Divide the total number of minutes (540) by the duration between each check (45): 540 minutes / 45 minutes/check = 12 checks.

Therefore, the night watchman will have checked the storage area 12 times during his 9-hour shift.