What happens to the levels of surface water and groundwater during a drought?

A. Surface water and groundwater levels increase during drought. B. Surface water and groundwater levels decrease during drought.***
C. There is no change in the levels of surface water and groundwater during a drought.
D. Surface water and groundwater levels during a drought depend on the erosion present in the area.

I’m pretty sure it’s B... someone correct me

B is correct.

The correct answer is B. Surface water and groundwater levels decrease during a drought.

During a drought, there is a lack of precipitation which leads to reduced inflow of water into lakes, rivers, and streams, resulting in decreased surface water levels. Similarly, less rainfall means less water seeps into the ground, leading to lower groundwater levels.

To obtain this answer, you can understand the relationship between drought and water levels. When there is a shortage of rain or snowfall, it directly impacts the availability of water in surface water bodies and the replenishment of groundwater. By considering these factors, we can determine that both surface water and groundwater levels decrease during a drought.