6 2/3 —3 3/4

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6 2/3 - 3 3/4 = 20/3 - 15/4 = 80/12-45/12 = 35/12 = 2 11/12.

To subtract mixed numbers like 6 2/3 - 3 3/4, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions.
To do this, multiply the whole number by the denominator and then add the numerator. For the first mixed number, 6 2/3, the improper fraction is calculated as:
6 * 3 + 2 = 18 + 2 = 20/3.
For the second mixed number, 3 3/4, the improper fraction is calculated as:
3 * 4 + 3 = 12 + 3 = 15/4.

Step 2: Find a common denominator for the two fractions.
To subtract these fractions, we need them to have the same denominator. The least common multiple (LCM) of 3 and 4 is 12. Therefore, we need to convert both fractions to have a denominator of 12.

Step 3: Convert the fractions to have the same denominator.
For 20/3, multiply both the numerator and denominator by 4 to get:
20 * 4 / 3 * 4 = 80/12.
For 15/4, multiply both the numerator and denominator by 3 to get:
15 * 3 / 4 * 3 = 45/12.

Step 4: Subtract the fractions.
Now that both fractions have the same denominator, we can subtract them:
80/12 - 45/12 = (80 - 45) / 12 = 35/12.

Step 5: Simplify the fraction, if necessary.
The resulting fraction, 35/12, cannot be simplified any further. Therefore, the answer is 35/12.

So, 6 2/3 - 3 3/4 is equal to 35/12.