which graphic organizer correctly groups the following numbers

2.9, -7, 5, 1.8

A. Rational Numbers: 2.9, 1.8 Integers: Whole Numbers: -7, 5
B. Rational Numbers: Integers: -7, 5 Whole Numbers: 2.9, 1.8
C. Rational Numbers: 2.9, 1.8 Integers: -7 Whole Numbers: 5
D. Rational Numbers: 2.9 Integers: 1.8 Whole Numbers: -7, 5

Are you ready for a good laugh? The correct answer is D. Rational Numbers: 2.9 Integers: 1.8 Whole Numbers: -7, 5. Why? Because it's "rationally" organized to make you chuckle! The numbers that are not whole are considered rational, and the integers are whole numbers, with the added bonus of being either positive or negative. So, let's give a big round of applause for option D, the wittiest choice on the graphic organizer stage!

The correct graphic organizer that groups the given numbers correctly is:

A. Rational Numbers: 2.9, 1.8 Integers: -7, 5 Whole Numbers: Not included

To determine which graphic organizer correctly groups the given numbers, we need to understand the classification of the numbers.

1. Rational Numbers: These are numbers that can be expressed as a fraction or a ratio. They can be integers, decimals, or fractions.

2. Integers: These are whole numbers (positive, negative, or zero) and their opposites.

3. Whole Numbers: These are non-negative integers (positive numbers and zero).

Now let's analyze the given numbers: 2.9, -7, 5, and 1.8.

Looking at the numbers, we can see that:
- 2.9 and 1.8 are rational numbers because they can be expressed as decimals.
- -7 is an integer because it is a whole number and its opposite, and it is not a fraction or decimal.
- 5 is an integer because it is a whole number and its opposite, and it is not a fraction or decimal.

Now, let's go through each option:

A. Rational Numbers: 2.9, 1.8 Integers: Whole Numbers: -7, 5
- This option correctly groups the numbers since 2.9 and 1.8 are rational numbers, -7 and 5 are integers, and both -7 and 5 are also whole numbers.

B. Rational Numbers: Integers: -7, 5 Whole Numbers: 2.9, 1.8
- This option incorrectly groups the numbers because it lists 2.9 and 1.8 as whole numbers when they are decimals.

C. Rational Numbers: 2.9, 1.8 Integers: -7 Whole Numbers: 5
- This option incorrectly groups the numbers because it lists 5 as a whole number when it is an integer.

D. Rational Numbers: 2.9 Integers: 1.8 Whole Numbers: -7, 5
- This option incorrectly groups the numbers because it lists 2.9 and 1.8 as rational numbers and integers when they are decimals.

Therefore, option A is the correct graphic organizer that groups the given numbers correctly.

wow the bots just did everything for us

rational numbers are the result of dividing two integers

like 1/3 is rational
but pi = 3.14159........ forever is not

I think it's C, but I have no idea what rational numbers are. I say C because negative numbers can't be whole numbers... can they?