What is the solution of n² – 49 = 0?

A. –7
B. 7
C. ±7***
D. no solution

What is the solution of x² + 64 = 0?
A. –5
B. 8
C. ±8***
D. no solution

What is the side length of a square with an area of 144x²?
A. 12
B. 12x
C. ±12x***
D. no solution

What is the value of b in the triangle shown below?

A right triangle is shown. The height equals 3 b. The base equal b. The area of the triangle equals 24 square inches squared.
A. –4 in
B. 4 in***
C. ±4 in
D. no solution
What is the value of z so that –9 and 9 are both solutions of x² + z = 103?
A. –22
B. 3
C. 22***
D. 184

can someone check my work? I am mostly worried about number 2

1. c

2. d
3. b
4. b
5. c
100% I just took the test.
fistnames answers got me 60%

If you have 5 questions...

1. +7
2. No solution, it's not 8
3. 12x
4. 4in
5. 22

Wish you would number your questions.

1. correct
2. no , you would get x^2 = -64, now what is √-64 ???
3. no, almost got it, the length of a side cannot be negative
4. correct
5. correct

for two

x^2 = -64
there is no real solution.
If you know about imaginary numbers it is 8 i

to thoses who have 7 questions the answers are

1. c, +7
2. d, no solution
3. b, 12x
4. b, 4 in
5. c, 22
6. b, 13 in
7. a, t>2

100% right just took it.

Hey is correct tysm!

i have 7 question on my assignment?

Hey, is still correct as of now

unknownenperson is correct for GACA!

Anyone have the practice answers?