jon bought groceries for $105.30 and paper products for $35.50. the total bill including tax was $142.93. there was no tax charged on the groceries. what was the tax rate on the paper products?

105.3 + 35.5(1 + r ) = 142.93

expand first, then solve for r

To find the tax rate on the paper products, we first need to determine the total cost of the paper products before tax.

Since the total bill, including tax, was $142.93, and the total cost of the groceries was $105.30 (with no tax charged), we can subtract the cost of the groceries from the total bill to find the cost of the paper products before tax:

Total cost of paper products before tax = Total bill - Cost of groceries
Total cost of paper products before tax = $142.93 - $105.30

Simplifying this calculation, we have:

Total cost of paper products before tax = $37.63

Now, we can calculate the tax rate on the paper products by finding the difference between the total cost of paper products before tax and the actual cost of the paper products:

Tax on paper products = Total cost of paper products with tax - Total cost of paper products before tax
Tax on paper products = $35.50 - $37.63

Simplifying this calculation, we have:

Tax on paper products = -$2.13

Since the tax amount is negative, it suggests that there was actually a discount or reduction on the paper products rather than a tax. Therefore, we are unable to determine the tax rate on the paper products based on the given information.