which word in the sentence is a adverb?

The slimy snails crept near by.
A. three
B. near by
C. slimy
I chose slimy.

crept is a verb

three and slimy are adjectives
snail is a noun
nearby is an adverb

Nearby 👍

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In the sentence "The slimy snails crept near by," the adverb is "near by."

To identify the adverb in a sentence, you need to look for a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb. In this case, the word "near by" describes how the snails crept. It indicates the manner in which they crept, showing proximity or closeness.

The option you initially chose, "slimy," is actually an adjective because it describes the snails and tells us what kind of snails they are. Adjectives modify nouns or pronouns, while adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.