What is the factored form of k^2+kf-2f

A. (k-2)(k+f)
B. (k+2f)(k-+2f)(k+f)
D. (k-2)(k-f)
I have no idea because I used my calculator and it said it is not factorable so I’m confused

To factor the expression k^2 + kf - 2f, we need to find two binomials that can be multiplied together to get the original expression.

First, we look for factors of -2f that can be combined to get kf. After trying various combinations, we can see that -2f and f can be combined to give kf.

Now, let's factor out the common terms from the expression:
k^2 + kf - 2f

= k^2 + kf + (-2f)

= k^2 + kf + f - 3f

= k(k + f) + f - 3f

= k(k + f) + (-2f)

= k(k + f) - 2f

So, the factored form of the expression is (k + f)(k - 2).

Looking at the options provided:
A. (k-2)(k+f)
B. (k+2f)(k-+2f)(k+f)
D. (k-2)(k-f)

The correct answer is none of the above options. The factored form of k^2 + kf - 2f is (k + f)(k - 2).

To find the factored form of an expression, we need to factorize it by finding common factors or using factoring techniques. In this case, we have the expression k^2 + kf - 2f.

Let's try factoring it step by step:

First, check if there are any common factors. In this case, there are no common factors among all three terms.

Next, we look for a binomial expression in the form (k + a)(k + b), where a and b are constants. We need to find two constants a and b that satisfy the equation:

(a * b) = (coefficient of the k^2 term) * (constant term)

In our expression, the coefficient of the k^2 term is 1, and the constant term is -2f.

Now we need to find two numbers a and b that multiply to give us -2f. We need to consider both positive and negative combinations.

Possible pairs of (a, b) that give a product of -2f are: (f, -2) or (-f, 2).

Now, we need to check which pair (a, b) will give us the correct middle term, kf.

The middle term kf can only be achieved if we choose the pair (a, b) as (-f, 2).

Therefore, we factorize the expression as (k - f)(k + 2).

So, the factored form of k^2 + kf - 2f is (k - f)(k + 2).

Hence, the correct answer is option C: (k + 2f)(k + f).