Why did the state of Texas do little to help its citizens during the Great Depression?

(This is an essay question btw) I'm not asking for a word for word answer but i just need an idea of why they didn't help and what help means to them.

Lack of $$$

Well, Texas wasn't really invested in stock (1), and Texas was relatively poor at that time.(2)

In order to understand why the state of Texas did little to help its citizens during the Great Depression, it is important to examine the historical context and the underlying factors that influenced the state's response. Here are some points that can help guide your essay:

1. Limited government intervention: Texas has historically favored limited intervention in the economy, relying on free-market principles and a minimal role for state agencies. This philosophy was reinforced during the Great Depression when the state government was hesitant to expand its role and provide direct assistance to its citizens.

2. Political ideology: Texas, like many other Southern states at the time, was influenced by conservative political ideology, which emphasized individual responsibility and self-reliance. This perspective often clashed with the idea of government intervention and direct assistance to those in need, as it was seen as potentially undermining personal initiative.

3. Economic challenges: The Great Depression had severe economic consequences for Texas, particularly due to its heavy dependence on agriculture, oil, and livestock industries. The state faced significant challenges in generating revenue and balancing its budget, making it difficult to allocate funds for social programs or relief efforts.

4. Limited social infrastructure: At the time, Texas had a relatively weak social safety net, with limited social welfare programs in place. This meant that there were fewer resources available to assist individuals and families struggling with unemployment, poverty, and other consequences of the economic downturn.

5. Federal government role: It is important to note that while Texas may have done little to help its citizens, the federal government and various New Deal programs implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt provided some relief and assistance during the Great Depression. Texas, like other states, relied to some extent on the support and funding from these federal initiatives.

To gain a deeper understanding of the specific actions taken or not taken by the state of Texas during the Great Depression, you can consult primary and secondary sources such as government records, historical accounts, newspaper articles, and scholarly journals. These sources will provide you with a wealth of information to support and enrich your essay.