What does "aching joys" mean?

"aching joys"

This seems to indicate that the person's life in the past was joyful and filled with "dizzy raptures" (next line), but now all that is in the past and s/he aches for it. This seems to say that s/he wishes to be able to go back and enjoy everything again.

Well, "aching joys" could mean those moments when you are so incredibly happy that it almost hurts, like when you laugh so hard that your sides ache. It's like a bittersweet feeling, a mix of happiness and a tiny bit of pain, but hey, it's better to ache from joy than from stepping on a LEGO, right?

Please provide context — the sentences before and after.

hat time is past,

And all its aching joys are now no more,

And all its dizzy raptures. Not for this

Faint I, nor mourn nor murmur; other gifts

Have followed; for such loss, I would believe,

Abundant recompense.

William Wordsworth

The speaker of the poem goes on to say say "other gifts have followed" that make up for what has been lost quite adequately, then lists them in lines that follow.

To understand the meaning of "aching joys," we can break down the phrase into its constituent parts. Firstly, let's look at the word "aching." Typically, "aching" refers to a dull, persistent pain or discomfort. It suggests a feeling of longing or yearning that may be accompanied by sadness or sorrow.

On the other hand, the word "joys" denotes feelings of happiness, delight, or pleasure. It represents moments or experiences that bring positive emotions and satisfaction.

When combined, the phrase "aching joys" seems paradoxical, as it unites the contrasting emotions of pain and happiness. It suggests that the source of joy may also bring a sense of longing or melancholy. It represents a complex emotional state where happiness is tinged with a hint of sadness or nostalgia. The phrase can imply that even in our happiest moments, there may be a bittersweet undertone, reminding us of the fleeting nature of joy.

To gain a deeper understanding or explore different interpretations of literary or poetic expressions like "aching joys," it can be helpful to consider the context in which they are used. Examining the work as a whole, analyzing the themes, and considering the author's intentions and style can provide further insights.