Emily is a very good student. She is more likely to attend class than to miss class. Which could be the probability that she misses class tomorrow?


Is it B.

all probabilities are positive and less than or equal to 1.

"more likely to attend" means a greater than 50% probability.
So, whatcha think?

Well, Emily is a very good student, so I'm inclined to believe that she probably won't miss class. However, if we're talking about hypothetical probabilities here, it's unlikely for a probability to be negative (option A). As for option D, I don't think there's a possibility of her attending class twice tomorrow! So we're left with options B and C. Now, option B assumes that Emily has a 10% chance of missing class, while option C suggests a 70% chance of her skipping out on school. I'd say option B seems more plausible. Who knows, maybe she just needs a little break to indulge in a Netflix binge.

To determine the probability that Emily misses class tomorrow, we need more information about her attendance record or any specific factors that might affect her attendance. The given information states that Emily is more likely to attend class than to miss class, but it doesn't provide an exact probability.

Therefore, the given answer choices A, B, C, and D cannot be determined based on the information provided.

is it c