Hi, I've been stuck on this stupid math test all day long, the question is "if 1/4 inch represents 50 miles, how many inches represent 225 miles?" I did the math and know the answer is 1 1/8 but I just don't know how to show my work. Can anyone help me?

use a simple ratio ...

.25 inches/50 miles = x inches/225 miles
.25/50 = x/225 , after multiplying both sides (by miles/inches)
50x = .25(225)
x = 56.25/50 = 1.128 or 1 1/8 <---- your answer

225/50 = 4.5 = 9/2
so we have to multiply 1/4 by 9/2
(1/4)(9/2) = 9/8 = 1 1/8

Thank you reiny you a great teacher:)!!

anyway, thank you

Of course, I'd be happy to help you show your work for this math problem!

To find out how many inches represent 225 miles, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

We know that 1/4 inch represents 50 miles. Let's assign variables to the unknown quantities:
x = number of inches representing 225 miles

By setting up the proportion, we have:

(1/4 inch) / (50 miles) = x inch / (225 miles)

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

(1/4) * (225) = x

Now, we can simplify the equation:

225/4 = x

To calculate the value of x, divide 225 by 4:

x = 56.25 inches

Therefore, 56.25 inches represent 225 miles. However, the answer you mentioned, 1 1/8, is equivalent to 1.125 (since 1/8 can be decimalized as 0.125) and not 56.25. So, please double-check your calculations to make sure you got the correct answer.

I hope this helps you understand how to show your work for this math problem. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!