Place these events in order by writing a number in the box to the right of each event. 1 should be the event that happened first, with 4 being the event that happened last.
The Muslim-ruled Delhi sultanate was established
Turkik Muslim kinds gained power in what is now Afghanistan
The Muslim empire of Southwest Asia conquered much of what is now Pakistan
The Gupta empire declined

I need help like now can someone please help. 🥺

To place these events in order, we need to understand the historical context and the timeline of these events. Here's a step-by-step process to determine the correct order:

1. The Gupta Empire declined:
The Gupta Empire was an ancient Indian dynasty that flourished from around 240 to 550 CE. It started to decline around the mid-6th century CE due to various factors such as invasions, internal conflicts, and economic decline. We can conclude that this event happened before the others.

2. Turkic Muslim kings gained power in what is now Afghanistan:
After the decline of the Gupta Empire, various regional powers emerged in the Indian subcontinent. In this case, Turkic Muslim kings gained power in the region of what is now Afghanistan. This event would likely have occurred after the decline of the Gupta Empire.

3. The Muslim empire of Southwest Asia conquered much of what is now Pakistan:
During the 7th and 8th centuries CE, the Umayyad Caliphate, a powerful Muslim empire based in Southwest Asia, expanded its influence into the Indian subcontinent. They conquered much of the region of what is now Pakistan. This event would have likely taken place after the Turkic Muslim kings gained power in Afghanistan.

4. The Muslim-ruled Delhi Sultanate was established:
The Delhi Sultanate was a Muslim-ruled kingdom in Northern India that was established in the 13th century CE. This event took place much later in history compared to the previous events mentioned.

So, based on this information, we can assign the numbers to each event as follows:

1. The Gupta empire declined
2. Turkic Muslim kings gained power in what is now Afghanistan
3. The Muslim empire of Southwest Asia conquered much of what is now Pakistan
4. The Muslim-ruled Delhi Sultanate was established