How can I do tan^-1, sin^-1 and cos^-1 in java?

you can read the documentation.

asin gives you sin-1
As for the others,
cos-1(x) = sin-1√(1-x^2)
There may be atan2 -- don't recall.
Java docs are very good. Read them.
and so on.

In Java, you can use the `Math` class from the `java.lang` package to perform trigonometric calculations. Here's how you can calculate the inverse trigonometric functions:

1. `tan^-1` (arctan):

double angle = Math.atan(value);

Here, `value` is the input whose arctan you want to calculate. The `Math.atan()` function returns the angle in radians.

2. `sin^-1` (arcsin):

double angle = Math.asin(value);

Here, `value` is the input whose arcsin you want to calculate. The `Math.asin()` function also returns the angle in radians.

3. `cos^-1` (arccos):

double angle = Math.acos(value);

Here, `value` is the input whose arccos you want to calculate. The `Math.acos()` function returns the angle in radians.

Note that the trigonometric functions in Java use radians, so you might need to convert degrees to radians or vice versa if your input is in degrees. For example, you can use `Math.toRadians()` to convert degrees to radians and `Math.toDegrees()` to convert radians to degrees.

Here's an example that calculates the arctan, arcsin, and arccos of some values:

double value = 0.5;

double angleTan = Math.atan(value);
double angleSin = Math.asin(value);
double angleCos = Math.acos(value);

System.out.println("Arctan: " + angleTan);
System.out.println("Arcsin: " + angleSin);
System.out.println("Arccos: " + angleCos);

This code will output the angles in radians.

In Java, you can use the `Math` class to calculate the inverse trigonometric functions, such as `tan^-1`, `sin^-1`, and `cos^-1`. Here's an example of how you can do it:

To get the inverse tangent (`tan^-1`) in Java, you can use the `Math.atan()` method. This method takes a double argument and returns the arctangent in radians. Here's an example:

double angle = Math.atan(1.0);

To get the inverse sine (`sin^-1`) in Java, you can use the `Math.asin()` method. This method takes a double argument and returns the arcsine in radians. Here's an example:

double angle = Math.asin(0.5);

To get the inverse cosine (`cos^-1`) in Java, you can use the `Math.acos()` method. This method takes a double argument and returns the arccosine in radians. Here's an example:

double angle = Math.acos(0.5);

Keep in mind that these methods return the angle in radians. If you need the result in degrees, you can convert it using the `Math.toDegrees()` method.

For example, to convert an angle in radians to degrees, you can do:

double degrees = Math.toDegrees(angle);

By using these methods from the `Math` class in Java, you can easily calculate the inverse trigonometric functions.