Margie has 5 times as many nickels as quarters. She has a total of $2.00.

Write a system of equations to represent the situation. Let n represent the number of nickels and q represent the number of quarters.

count the coins and the value:

n = 5q
5n+25q = 200

thank you!

q = the number quarters.

n = the number of nickels.

Eq1: 25q + 5n = 200.
Eq2: n = 5q.

25q + 5*(5q) = 200
q = 4.
n = 5q = 20.

To write a system of equations to represent the given situation, we need to translate the given information into mathematical equations.

1. "Margie has 5 times as many nickels as quarters."
This can be expressed as: n = 5q, where n represents the number of nickels and q represents the number of quarters.

2. "She has a total of $2.00."
The value of each nickel is $0.05, so the total value of all the nickels is 0.05n.
The value of each quarter is $0.25, so the total value of all the quarters is 0.25q.
Hence, the total value can be expressed as: 0.05n + 0.25q = 2.00.

Therefore, the system of equations to represent the given situation is:
n = 5q
0.05n + 0.25q = 2.00