In football, a field goal is worth 3 points. Which function rule relates the number of field goals f, and the number of points, p?

The function rule that relates the number of field goals, f, and the number of points, p, is:

p = 3f

To determine the function rule that relates the number of field goals (f) to the number of points (p), you need to understand the relationship between the two variables.

In football, each field goal is worth 3 points. This means that the number of points is equal to the number of field goals multiplied by 3 (since each field goal contributes 3 points).

Therefore, the function rule that relates the number of field goals (f) and the number of points (p) can be expressed as:

p = 3f

In this equation, 'p' represents the number of points, '3' represents the value of each field goal, and 'f' represents the number of field goals.

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