Guys I need help on this question. Ben can type 153 words in three minutes. At this rate, how many words can he type in 10 minutes?


10 minutes * 153 words / 3 minutes = 10 * (153 / 3 ) words

= 10 * 51 = ?

Thank you Damon!!!!!!!


You are welcome.

To solve this problem, you can set up a proportion.

First, you need to find out how many words Ben can type in one minute. To do that, divide the total number of words (153) by the total number of minutes (3) he takes to type those words.

153 words / 3 minutes = 51 words per minute

Now that you know Ben can type 51 words per minute, you can find out how many words he can type in 10 minutes by multiplying the words per minute by the number of minutes.

51 words per minute * 10 minutes = 510 words

Therefore, Ben can type 510 words in 10 minutes at this rate.